Better in Business

Retirement income: How much is enough?

by Elias Makris, Partner What do you consider an ‘adequate’ retirement income and how do you plan to achieve that? The following facts and statistics may influence your answer: Only 1 in 15 retirees (7%) live on an annual income of $70,000 or more. Almost one million people have returned to work since retiring. Four [...]

2020-06-03T13:34:27+10:00By |Business Advisory|

Value improvement benchmarking … for a more profitable and valuable business

by Elias Makris, Partner While traditional benchmarking measures historical performance, ‘value improvement benchmarking’ is future-focused, and identifies and quantifies business strengths and weaknesses. This in turn informs strategy for improving the future value of the business. Value improvement benchmarking provides clear insights that support the steps necessary for increasing the value of your business by [...]

2018-12-12T09:16:11+10:00By |Business Advisory|

Case Study: Business Value Gap Analysis

Background David was a 53-year-old owner/operator of a successful business providing professional services to the building and construction industry. He was the key revenue earner in his business, he had no formal succession plan in place, and had always rejected merger talks with like businesses for fear of losing control. David had been planning to [...]

2020-06-03T13:36:44+10:00By |Business Advisory|

Business Value Gap Analysis: How to ‘reality check’ your retirement plans

by Elias Makris, Partner Are you guilty of assuming that the sale of your business will fund your retirement? Wouldn’t it be more prudent to know for sure? It all starts with identifying the ‘value gap’. That is, the difference between what your business is worth and what you need at the time of its [...]

2020-06-03T13:36:57+10:00By |Business Advisory|

Top Three Challenges for SMEs

by Elias Makris, Partner According to research*, there are three challenges preoccupying SME business owners: 1.            How to de-risk the business; 2.            How to improve efficiency; and 3.            How to work smarter. Recent statistics indicate that despite wanting to avoid risk, 68% of SMEs don’t know their top 5 risks or how to manage and [...]

2020-06-03T13:37:17+10:00By |Business Advisory|
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