tax deduction

Tax deductible super contributions

A reminder that superannuation contributions are only tax deductible in this financial year if they are received in your fund before 30 June. We recommend paying contributions well in advance (we suggest by 17 June, or contact your super fund or clearing house for their advice) to factor in possible processing delays. The base annual [...]

2022-06-14T15:12:45+10:00By |IMPORTANT UPDATE|

Finalise your 2021-22 tax planning

Now is the time to finalise and implement your 2021-22 end of financial year tax plan and ensure any last-minute arrangements are accounted for.  Here is a quick list of the common matters that will need your attention now to enjoy possible tax saving and business benefits before 30 June. Now is the time to [...]

2022-06-14T15:13:12+10:00By |IMPORTANT UPDATE|

Tax planning: Act now to avoid paying more tax than you should

As we approach the end of another financial year, now is the time to consider the tax planning strategies that will help you optimise your cashflow and avoid paying more tax than you should. Each year, we assist a diverse range of clients – including business owners, family groups and individuals – to make the [...]

2022-05-25T15:17:18+10:00By |Taxation|

Succession Planning: Reward for effort

For many business owners, the pandemic has brought forward a renewed interest in succession planning. The disruption has certainly given pause for many to consider how much involvement (if any) they intend to maintain in business, particularly if retirement was already on the radar. Whether you are feeling exhausted after the last two years or [...]

Tax Losses 1 of 3: Corporate tax losses – Do you pass the ‘continuity of ownership’ (COT) test?

If your company has past tax losses that haven’t been used as a tax deduction, this tip is for you… Check the conditions under which a company’s past losses may be claimed as tax deductions. The benefits may include significant reductions in corporate tax payable. Owners and directors of companies need to be aware of [...]

2020-06-03T13:39:02+10:00By |Taxation|
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