Elias Makris

Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Xero Advisor Certification

Associate Member, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CAANZ))
Member, National Tax and Accountants’ Association (NTAA)

About Elias…
A partner at Rosenfeld Kant, named among Australia’s Top 100 accounting firms, Elias Makris has provided first class tax and accounting services for over 28 years. His experience, knowledge and understanding of business extends to strategic advisory support for small and medium-sized businesses.

Innately analytical and inquisitive, Elias is drawn to complex business matters that require establishing a clear understanding, ahead of conceptual problem solving followed by timely and systematic implementation of well-considered solutions. Elias is intelligent, extremely capable and fully focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for his clients.

Elias’ clients include individuals and owners of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that represent a broad range of industry sectors, while all sharing common complexities in their accounting and tax requirements that can include specialised advice required by multi-generational family groups.

An increasing number of these business owners also benefit from Elias’ business advisory expertise which includes business valuation and strategic planning required to de-risk their business, grow, increase profit, improve cash flow and prepare for succession.

Clients seeking Elias’ business advisory services consider him not just a ‘trusted advisor’ but an ‘essential advisor’, necessary for helping them to achieve their business as well as personal goals.

Elias works with his clients to make the most of their available tools and resources, optimising cloud-based accounting systems that are capable of offering accurate and real-time financial and business performance reporting. During monthly or quarterly meetings, Elias leads the analysis and examination of this data to provide advice that informs day-to-day as well as critical business decisions necessary for achieving outcomes.

Thanks to Elias’ advice (and patient understanding) clients report a sense of clarity and financial confidence, throughout the year rather than solely at tax time, that equips them to lead their business more effectively.

Elias is particularly interested in the complexities of business succession and enjoys helping business owners to proactively maximise the value of the business for a profitable sale.

He helps resolve challenging issues and provides answers for the sensitive questions that often affect succession planning outcomes. These matters typically involve considering the future and legacy of a senior family member who may be  approaching retirement, or restructuring to introduce next generation family members as business shareholders.

Elias’ clients would not be surprised to learn that his customer service philosophy is to exceed client expectations by delivering favourable outcomes over and above the obligatory tax and accounting compliance obligations.

Indeed, he is known for ‘going the extra mile’ and sincerely caring for his clients. As reward, he enjoys helping them to achieve their business goals.

Elias values his role among a distinguished group of long-standing senior professionals and executives at Rosenfeld Kant. Rosenfeld Kant is a multicultural firm that is recognised for its flat structure that values the contributions of all team members, for delivering positive outcomes to  a loyal community of clients, many of whom represent multiple generations of a single family.

Elias was born in Morwell, Victoria, where his dad owned a shop before the family moved to Sydney while he was still young.

Today Elias shares his Sydney home with his wife, Mary, and their energetic young son, Peter. Pre-fatherhood, Elias has fond memories of walking the Larapinta and Jatbula Trails in the Australian outback. A side effect of his inquisitive nature, Elias values learning and listens to podcasts on topics as diverse as philosophy, history, music theory and quantum physics. What is more, his reading list includes Plato’s Republic, Homer’s Odyssey, Tolstoy’s War and Peace … oh and The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

Contact us for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.
